Saturday, January 23, 2010

SUP 2?

OK, you DRR,

Nothing up there about Tecumseh on December 5th where the Frog about killed himself trying to post a good finish time. I almost caught up to "Coach-M" and if I knew I was that close that last mile I might have run even harder. But this Frog has no intentions of ever finishing 1-foot in front of Coach.

So, where is all this "family" thing? Let's get this DRR thing back in the swing. Ya, I got no way to get to you, at least until Feb 18th, but meanwhile it would be nice to see some news of all your DRR doings up here so I can keep reasonable pace with you.

Hey, at least get some news up there about Tecumseh, Dec 5, 2009 because I know there were some of you out there like the Om-man, Misty, Betty and not sure if others.

I ran that damn trail marathon the best I could and proud to wear that DRR shirt. And, I did get some compliments referrring to Dirty Red, especially coming down the home-stretch when I got my feet on real-pavement and could do some solid pushing-off on foot-strike.

I miss ya DRR so let's get this "family" back to its roots! I guess that means Misty has to do more work than she has time to tend to. OK, Coach, I understand, but you better work with me to get ready for Leadville!

And, then there is Boston. I know at least one of you are going. Are there more? What about that Fast-Jen - I came close to keeping up with you last year. Just would be nice to hear from some of yous!

peace my running brothers and sisters,
